
This mine was one of twelve that have been systematically looted and shut down over the past decade

Above, you can see the vertical shaft of the Kosmonavty Mine. Located near the town of Rovenky in the Luhansk region, right on the easternmost edge of Ukraine currently occupied by Russia


opening year


year of flooding


number of
workers in 2013


number of
workers in 2022


annual coal
production in 2013

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[ Rovenky ]

How did this happen
              and what does OUR
                           Anthracite studio
                           have to do with it?

How did this happen
        and what does OUR
             Anthracite studio
             have to do with it?

In the spring of 2014, through the use of proxy forces, the Russian Federation took control of Rovenky and an additional 47 cities
in the southeast of Ukraine. The active phase of military operations ended in 2015 with the Minsk peace agreements. From that point,
the industry in the occupied portions of Luhansk and Donetsk regions fell under the control of pro-Russian administrations and their
Moscow-based overseers


How did this happen
           and what does OUR
                                Anthracite studio
                                have to do with it?


From prosperity
             to GREED RUIN


After these events, over 8 years the new management, depleted the  resources  of already opened coal seams. On the other hand, there was a stark absence of  new investments in the industry. Since coal is found

in layers, any coal mine is designed in a way that it can mine minerals several times in one place. These layers are ranging from 0.6 to 2.1 meters thick, similar to the cream layers in a Kyiv cake. When one layer is exhausted, it's necessary to break through to a new layer. This process requires substantial financial investment but can ensure coal production for the next 6-8 years, providing income for the business and employment for the workers.

After these events, over 8 years the new management, depleted the  resources  of already opened coal seams. On the other hand, there was a stark absence of  new investments in the industry. Since

coal is found in layers, any coal mine is designed in a way that it can mine minerals several times in one place. These layers are ranging from 0.6 to 2.1 meters thick, similar to the cream layers in a Kyiv cake. When one layer is exhausted, it's necessary to break through to a new layer. This process requires substantial financial investment but can ensure coal production for the next 6-8 years, providing income for the business and employment for the workers.

After these events, over 8 years the new management, depleted the resources of already opened coal seams. On the other hand, there was a stark absence of new investments in the industry. Since coal is found in layers, any coal mine is designed in a way that it can mine minerals several times in one place. These layers are ranging from 0.6 to 2.1 meters thick, similar to the cream layers in a Kyiv cake. When one layer is exhausted, it's necessary to break through to a new layer. This process requires substantial financial investment but can ensure coal production for the next 6-8 years, providing income for the business and employment for the workers.


The new owners of the coal industry, however, did not envisage long-term development for the region,
                   choosing instead to exploit
                                it for quick gains

The new owners of the coal industry, however, did not envisage long-term development for the region,
                           choosing instead                            to exploit it for                            quick gains

The new owners of the coal industry, however, did not envisage long-term development for the region,
             choosing instead              to exploit it for              quick gains

This disregard was also evident in their neglect of reputation,
with failing to pay workers for up to 8 months. Despite the new proxy government masking itself as a democracy, no free elections have been held. Backed by the Russian military and mercenaries recruited from the local populace, the ministry of state security brutally suppressed any protests or dissent by the workers. Thus the miners was left without any legal and safe means to influence their situation.


Thus, in the 8 years of occupation,
all 12 coal mines in Rovenky, including
                                the Kosmonavty Mine,                                 were closed down

Thus, in the 8 years of
occupation, all 12 coal mines
in Rovenky, including
                           the Kosmonavty Mine,                            were closed down

Thus, in the 8 years of occupation, all 12 coal mines in Rovenky, including
             the Kosmonavty                 Mine, were closed              down

Leading to more than 20,000 people losing their jobs. Many families were forced to leave their homes, and those who remained found themselves in low-paying jobs.

The onset of full-scale war in 2022 only further exacerbated
the situation, plunging Rovenky, like the rest of Ukraine, into it’s most significant crisis since World War II.


The mission of Anthracite studio
is to help and assist those affected by Russia's military invasion
                                and the subsequent                                 occupation by                                 whatever means
                                available to us

The mission of Anthracite studio
is to help and assist those affected by Russia's military                            invasion and the                            subsequent                            occupation by                            whatever means
                           available to us

The mission of Anthracite studio Is to help and assist those affected by Russia's military invasion
           and the            subsequent            occupation by            whatever means
           available to us

  • The studio donates 10% of its profits to charitable, humanitarian, and urban development projects

  • When hiring, Anthracite Studio gives preference to individuals living
in the occupied territories

  • Сonducting educational activities and helping find remote employment for our people


Rovenky, Ukraine, [GMT+3]


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Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together
Let's create together






Anthracite — the highest quality coal

Anthracite studio — the same thing, but about design